We’ll admit, we are guilty of saying that the BEST time to have professional newborn and baby portraits, is during the first two weeks of your baby’s life. From 1-14 days old, they are squishy and moldable when sleeping. Plus, all they DO is sleep! After about that 2 week mark, things start changing. Your baby will be awake for longer periods and might not settle as quickly or as easily as they once did.
That being said, we really don’t mean it when we say “best time”. Because really, when you feel it’s the right time to leave the house and bring your baby to the studio, is REALLY the best time! Some parents want to wait, for a myriad of reasons.
Perhaps your baby was premature and their immune system may be compromised. That’s a valid reason to want to hold off on pictures. Maybe your partners work schedule, or a siblings school schedule, won’t allow for weekday morning availability. Or maybe you haven’t quite gotten this breastfeeding thing down and need a little more time. We are okay with waiting! In fact, just because your baby might be a little more alert than most, we actually ENJOY the portraits with their eyes open, exploring their environment.
The main thing is, don’t forgo newborn portraits because you think it’s too late or your baby might not cooperate. We are experienced professionals and have done baby portraits at every stage! You can’t reverse time (if you can, please take me back just one day to when my kids were toddlers; they were soooo cute!), so the term “better late than never” was never more applicable to a situation than this.
If you’d like to see examples of different age “newborns”, check out our galleries! The sleepy ones are most likely under the 14 day mark, and the eyes open, well, they are probably a little older. And they are ALL gorgeous!