You’d think getting tears from your mother-in-law would cruel……. but when they are tears of joy, they’re the total opposite!

Back story: My mother-in-law has 3 grown children, my husband being the eldest.  We have 2 children ourselves, then add in my sister-in-laws 3 toddlers, and we have quite a handful for my MIL to love on.  They are honestly her pride and joy, there’s nothing she would not do for any one of them.  Even her iPhone screen saver sports one of their photos at all times (generally the baby, she’s the cutest, ha ha!)

For Mother’s Day last May, we decided that we should do something really special so we gathered all 5 kids and did a quick photo shoot at a local park.  The VERY FIRST PHOTO was a winner, so we stopped (it’s that easy sometimes, I swear!) and called it a success.  After printing and framing the portrait, we went over for a Mothers Day brunch and replaced an old framed photo with this one.  When it was time for gifts, we took her around the corner and pointed her towards the wall.  All I can say is that this portrait, of her 5 loves, children of HER children, was a very emotional gift.  She left that portrait in the same spot we hung it and stares at it every single day she comes out of her bedroom.  That portrait puts a smile on her face (and my father-in-laws too, of course) and is honestly, priceless.

Wall art isn’t just “cute” or “sweet”, it’s an investment that is always worth the time and effort it takes to create.  It makes a house a home. It brings tears to eyes and smiles to faces.  Portraits of our loved ones are cherished for generation after generation.  I (and Stacy) are blessed to be able to create these heirlooms for our clients (and our family)!

We have grandchild #6 due in March, so 2015 calls for a new wall portrait; and fresh tears…… <3


South Jersey Portrait Photographer

How I made my mother-in-law cry……

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