We love starting the Holiday Portrait season off with adorable kids! No one was short of smiles at this session!
She’s 5 months old and full of smiles! We just love this baby and are so happy she’s in our Bebe Plan so we can follow her (and her smiles) all the way up until her first birthday!
Happy First Birthday to a SWEET, ADORABLE little girl who I’ve been photographing since she was a little over a week old. She’s got the brightest blue eyes and the most darling smile. She went from this teeny, tiny newborn to a little toddler who can walk all over the studio. Time flies!
Mom or Dad dress up as Santa for your little one! Beat the hustle and bustle of the holidays by getting your holiday portraits done early this year! To Enter: 1. You must “LIKE” our Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/imageiseverythingstudios?fref=ts 2. You must be signed up for our monthly newsletter: http://desireemiller.wpengine.com/about/ 3. Once you have done both, come back […]
So many sessions lately and we’ve had literally NO TIME to update the blog at all lately! I’ll just post a few photos from a bunch of different sessions so you can see what fun we’ve been having at the studio!